• ACE Specialty Yoga Dancer Pose Deep Dive

Specialty Yoga: Dancer Pose Deep Dive (ACE)

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Wednesday, June 21st | 5:30 PM | Our Lady of the Snows | Free

Using strength and grace to find balance in dancer’s pose.

Bring your own mat. Stay tuned on social media for updates regarding weather – as the snow melts, we will be able to move outside to the Peruvian Lodge lawn.

Rooted in the mountains, Eliza Allen’s yoga practice is supported by her experience as a massage therapist and first responder. She specializes in Hatha yoga with an emphasis on alignment and kinesiology.

Pine Cone Pine Cone

Event Details


5:30PM 6:30PM


10189 E State Highway 210, Alta, UT 84092

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